Saturday 13 April 2013

My Little Uke

Ok, so I think I forgot to tell you guys but this little guy is coming my way soonish!  It's a Fender Soprano ukulele! I'm very excited! (Just in case all the exclamation marks didn't make it obvious)  

In my opinion, ukuleles make everything sound happier and happy is good.

Just in case any of you are cooler than me and allready have a ukulele, here is one of my favourite ukulele websites.  It's full of tips, chords, tabs, reviews and just about everything ukulele!

I should be getting my little ukulele next month.  So in a short while I'll be strumming away.  

The next instrument I have my eye on is a cajon.  Just in case you're not sure what that is, it's a type of drum.  It's like a box you sit on and you play.  It is also referred to as a "drum kit in a box".  Lots of buskers use them.

I love drums.  Is it just me or does it always look like the drummer in the band is having the most fun?  Since learning real drums seems a lot more difficult and a LOT more money, this seems the next best option.

This is what one looks like...

 So there you go.  Aren't they cool!  

I have a feeling I won't actually get round to buying one, well at least I need to teach myself ukulele first!