Sunday 31 March 2013


Needless to say today is Easter Sunday AND the end of lent, which for me means I'm an omnivore again!  Yay for meat.   I got to enjoy some lovely beef bourguignon  (yum!).

I just wanted to wish you all a Happy Easter! 

To be honest I kind of wanted it to snow on Easter because it would be ironic if it snowed on Easter and not on Christmas.  Surprisingly the weather's not half bad.  I haven't felt one drop of rain (which is kind of a big deal for over here). Where's the snow when you need it?

This morning was great.  My parents still hide Easter baskets full of little treats for each one of us.  (Mine was hidden in the oven).

I was trying to be healthy this Easter.  That didn't work.  Is it possible that this one Cadbury egg is all that's left of my Easter stash?

I'm trying to save it for enjoying with tea but since taking this picture to add it to the post, I've opened it and ate a decent portion of it.  We'll see how long it lasts.

I loved getting to watch my little sisters get all excited about their dresses and baskets.  They are adorable.  Holidays are more fun with younger siblings.  It's fun thinking back to when I was their age.  Not even THAT long ago.

After all of that and plenty of chocolate I went to church and got to think about the real reason we celebrate.  Easter morning has in the past been my favourite time to go to church.  It's just so joyful and everyone seems to arrive with a smile on their face.  I think their is something a little contagious about that.  I always come home on Easter Sunday happier than before.

Anyway I hope you all of you can enjoy stuffing your faces with chocolate without feeling sick afterwards and that you get a chance to relax and enjoy the day. I'll say it again HAPPY EASTER!