Tuesday 1 January 2013

New Years

Ok I know you guys are sick of all the posts and tweets about the new years and technically where I live its the second allready (by like twenty minutes) so I'm not going to say the dreaded three words.  I am going to talk about new years resolutions though.  I finally made a couple so I thought I'd share them with you.

1.  Do a bit more cooking. 
I do a lot more baking than I do cooking yet I really enjoy food in general and can only do so much baking before my parents tell me I need to either stop or make something healthy.

2.  Learn ukulele.
I've become fascinated with them and have my eye on a little soprano mahogany one at the moment.  I can't wait to buy one so I can start teaching myself! 

3.  Write a serious song with words to it.
This one is a toughie...

4. Write and blog a bit more?
Practice makes perfecct!

Anway those are all vague but I hope I'll achieve some of them.

2013 is going to be great!  I'm especially excited as Derry was chosen as the UK's city of culture for 2013.  I got to celebrate new years eve by watching a fireworks display overlooking the peace bridge. Here is one of my pics.  Sorry it's not great quality.

Have a great 2013!