Wednesday 9 January 2013

File Tutorial

Hey, so the deal is, my old school file (binder) which I love and has a picture collage on it was kind of breaking and getting full, so.... I bought a new one and decided to deccorate it differently.  Here is my tutorial.

Well first of you'll need a couple supplies.  A blank file (I got a lever arch one from tesco for about £1.50), scissors just a regular glue stick, some old books/sheet music paper, some sticky back platic (like for covering school books with).  Just enough to cover your file with.  I used a 33cm by 1m roll for my lever arch file and that was a good ammount.  As well as acess to a printer that scans/copies unless you want to actually tear up pages from the books.

Where to start?  Select the books and/or sheet music.  Now I used a combination of the two.  If you're going to use books, be sure to choose books that vary in style, boldness and size of print as well as page colour.  Most of the books I chose had a yellowy/peachy colour to give my file a vintagy feel.  Its all up to you.  The books I chose were all classics.  'Pride and Prejudice', 'The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe', 'Anne of Green Gables' and 'Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry'.  I used some sheet music as well.  Just a page of a Taylor Swift song which I photocopied twice as well as photocopying twice 2 pages from each book.

Now photocopy all the pages you want.  A smaller file should take less photocopying.  After you're ready to just cut them out and tear them up into smallish piecesand glue them on to your file.  I tried not to have too many of pieces from the same book together.  I also glued them on from all different angles.

Now all you have to do is carefully roll on the sticky back plastic and you're done!  Easy peasy! Your file is instantly less bleugh.