Monday 26 August 2013

Early mornings

Good morning!  Sorry in advance for the blurry pictures, I've been using my dad's old phone, so they're all a little blurry.  Anyway this morning was a very early morning.  Why was this morning so early?  Well, I rolled out of bed at around 6.25 and popped in the car (In my jammies) to drive with my grandparents to their bus stop.  They got a bus to the airport.  Goodbyes are tough.

For some reason I didn't go back to sleep when I got back home as I had planned to.  After a summer full of sleeping in, this was one of my earliest starts yet.  Anyways I stayed up looking through blogs.  I do love reading through blogs.  As I looked trough various blogs on bloglovin, I stumbled upon some adorable blog, which I sadly can no longer find which had LOTS of pictures of tea.  I decided to be cool and make myself tea and take a picture of it.  Of course my mug is more like a bowl and isn't all pretty and vintage but whatever, same idea.

I'm actually cracking up, looking at this picture cause it looks like the pair of eyes on the cover of the novel are staring at the tea.  This is a novel I've been reading for the past few days.  This summer I've been reading WAY more than I normally do.  Before this summer, I thought maybe I didn't like reading but that all changed when I got a library card.  There's  a library right by my house and it's a nice walk over to it, so I go often enough.

 The book, I'm reading right now is (as you can see) called Ruby Redfort.  It's about a 13 year old girl who gets tracked by an agency and asked if she can code crack for them because she has highly advanced skills for her age.  It's by Lauren Child, the same lady who wrote Charlie and Lola.  Which is the cutest TV show ever.  Trust me, I've seen WAY to many TV shows aimed at young kids but that one I can bare, especially because of the beautiful wallpaper that adorns the walls of Charlie and Lola's house.  Isn't it beautiful?

The kids in it are adorable too, I love the art.  That's kids TV done well.  That's all for now.  I'll be chilling and reading my book.