Tuesday 3 June 2014

Lot's of, See you, laters

Photo Creds: The lovely Andrea Africa ;)  And thanks for offering your tea, for a photo opp, Meera Kattakayam

I'm moving later on this month.  Not quite down the street or to a new cul-de-sac.  Not even to a town a couple hours away.  I'm moving to another country.  Not a neighbouring country.  You see, there's this little thing called the Atlantic Ocean and the country I'm moving to is on the other side of it.  America.  I've moved country, before of course, when I was little I moved from America to Northern Ireland (my current location).  I was thrilled. Not that I didn't love my homeland or wouldn't miss my friends, I was just caught up in the novelty of going somewhere new.  New, new, new.  I've always loved going new places, seeing new things and meeting new people.

The trouble is as you get older, it's harder to leave people.  Although, I'm still thrilled at the possibility of change, I'm devastated to be leaving friends.  I've come to realise, that it is inevitable that we face change in large and small portions, at all points in our lives and it's best to embrace it, taking each day as we're given it.

Needless to say, although the Atlantic is a bit of an obstacle, I won't lose the friendships I have here.  Thank goodness for Skype!  Good ol' 'Norn Iron' will always have a place in my heart.  Now that I'm moving, I've got a pretty good excuse to come visit!  

With less than two weeks until I depart this beautiful country, I'm intent on savouring every last moment.  Even the rainy days, which each and every local seems to detest so intensely.  I think I may always miss Punjanna tea, Primark and the lovely people that live here but hopefully I'll find things I love about America as well.  These past few years of my life have been seriously lacking in Redvines, Root beer (A non alcoholic fizzy drink.  It's like Coke, only much, much better) and sun.  However, I have appreciated rainy days spent inside eating scones and sipping tea by the fire.

As, the title, suggests these past few days, weeks and months have been full of "See you Later!"s.  Goodbye, sounds a little too finite at the moment.  After all, I'm determined that this place hasn't seen the last of me!

Today was spent drinking iced tea, eating pastries, chilling at the park and being idiots with some of my best friends.  It's days like today that I will miss, which is why it's a little bit extra hard to say "See you Later" but it's only a "See you later."  Not a goodbye!  Here's to many more days like today, hopefully on both sides of that little ocean.

(Bye the way, I highly reccomend Tazo's 'Passion' iced tea, as pictured above.  It's delish, and my favourite colour.)

 -Madsyroo xx