Tuesday 9 July 2013

Birthday Time!

Two Birthdays have happened in my house within the past two days.  My little sister's and my brother's.  It's been busy but fun.  I got my little sister a make up kit which was a win thankfully.
For my brother I did something a little more creative.  Julian Smith (a youtube comedian you may or may not have heard of) has this hysterical video called 'Donut Pirate' (see below)

which I've watched with my brother before, who is a big Julian Smith fan.  It's adorable right?  That kid can act!  Anyway I bought my brother some donuts from a bakery by our house and printed out a page with a picture of that cute little kid screaming and the quote, "I donut care!" (1:26) It's of course less funny when it needs to be explained but my brother got it and it gave us a bit of a laugh and he appreciate the donuts so it was pretty much a win win.  These past couple of days have been filled with cake and cupcakes.  I definitely LOVE birthdays.

Now I just can't wait for my birthday to come around but unfortunately that'll be a long while yet!
-Madsyroo xx