Monday, 6 May 2013

Gabrielle Aplin

Exciting news today!  No one other than THE Gabrielle Aplin is coming to do a question and answer session next Saturday for Radio One's Academy.  I'm kind of going.  I can't wait!!! I love her voice don't you?  Or maybe you don't know her yet (It's Ok my sister didn't). She's an English singer songwriter and her album 'English Rain' is coming out on the 13th of May.  Trust me, she has a BEAUTIFUL voice.  Go check her out.  I think her session is on "Making it in the music industry" or something along those lines.  Which to be honest I don't think I'll ever achieve but I can't wait to here all her tips on music and songwriting and such.  Sorry for the fan girl moment there.

So that's kind of been the highlight of my morning.  Unfortunately The Script Q and As were booked out.  They would have been great to hear from as well (love Danny!) but I'd rather get advice from a 20 year old singer songwriter than a band. 

When the day comes I'm going to be such a nerd about it.  I'll bring a notebook and take a gazillion notes and plan out my outfit the night before.  Pathetic much?

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Moved In

Fun times!  I've officially moved.  Not that I've said anything before about it.  Just to another place in town so it's not a big deal.  Except of course for all the organising that is to be done!  I actually like going through my old stuff though.  Weird.  I'm always finding fun little memories and quirky knick knacks I never use.

After yesterday's attempt at de-cluttering I'm getting rid of my heeleys.  Remember those?  The shoes with wheels.  We all thought we were really hot cruising along the side walks. Cringe.

In other news... progress on the decoration situation (wow, that's fun to say). I got a little pillow.  Yay!  Progress.  First thing I've bought for my new room.  I think it will look nice against my bedspread and it reminds me of Mary Poppins, so why not?  I don't know if anyone with a mustache says "Hello, hello." in Mary Poppins but it would fit right? 

Anyway that's all for now.  Must get on with my French homework.  Au revoir!

P.S.  this was meant to be up yesterday but my phone jad trouble publishing it.  Sorry!