Reflective Facebook posts are dominating our feeds, snap chats of celebratory pics await us on our smart phones and we bask in the final hours of the year. 2014.
It had its ups and downs, for the world in general and for the majority of us individually but now it is coming to a halt. That's it. Throw away that old one direction calender because pretty soon the year will be done and dusted, or it already is if you find yourself living in Europe.
As I think over the year behind me and the one awaiting me, I feel excited about the prospect of new beginnings. 2015 is unwritten and waiting for each of us.
I have a couple vagueish (that's a word now) resolutions cause I'm still old fashioned like that. I know it's a lot cooler to be like "I'm over resolutions, researchers show they don't work and I prefer making dedicated lifestyle changes" but I'm not cool like that. My resolutions are as follows...
1. Grow your hair out and then chop it off
2. Have loads of fun and chill out a little
3. Work hard
5. Be kind even when its difficult
6. Read a tad
7. Learn to draw somewhat decently
That's it really. I don't have any massive ambitions yet for this coming year but I am definitely ready for it. 2015, lets be having you!
-Madsyroo xx