Hey guys! Guess who is playing a man in her school play? Me. My school is doing a comical version of Dracula. I'm dancing too. To thriller. So if nothing else THAT will be funny. Lets just say I'm not super coordinated and leave it at that. Cringe. Anyway, I'm actually getting kind of excited for it. I just had my first practice and I have my costume fitting this week. That's the part I'm most excited for. Seeing my costume and how they do my make-up. I play a Transylvanian villager and a dead dockworker. I'm not a big vampire person to be honest but I can't wait to act dead. I don't even know much about Dracula (just the dance moves to we are doing to thriller haha) but when I hear the name I always think of the Count from Sesame Street. Vampires and math... Sesame Street taught me one thing. They're both evil.