I'm actually your grandma.
I listen to old vinyl that smells like must and your second grade report on water cycles that's hiding in your Mom's attic.
I like to crochet, alot. It's kind of weird but I've gotten a few scarves out of the process so it's chill.
I have way too many cardigans hidden in my drawers and closet. (Shoulders were made to be covered)
I have an affinity for mail.
I have an actual tea collection, which admittedly I'm somewhat proud of. Pomegranate infusion anyone?
Nuff said. I'll be baking you cookies and subtly probing at your relationship status from now until our next family gathering.
Granny M
Life. Creative musings. Sentimentalism. More
Monday, 15 February 2016
Monday, 27 April 2015
Creativity Takes Courage
I recently watched a really interesting ted talk (those things are the best right? Easily accessible inspiration), this one was called 'How Schools Kill Creativity' and I heard Ken Robinson talking about how in schools mistakes are stigmatized and why this can be detrimental to creativity.
Altogether it was a really interesting talk (by all means have a listen if you're interested) but it made me think about this Henri Matisse quote. As the French painter so famously said, 'Creativity takes courage'.
Until reading this quote and watching Ken Robinson, I'd never thought about it much before. You see, sometimes or all the times, following through with creative ideas means subjecting yourself to people who won't hold your work with as high a regard as yourself. It means, subjecting yourself to potential failure. It means making mistakes.
Sometimes that's scary. We don't create because we don't want to be judged. We'd rather create nothing than something worthy of ridicule.
However, the truth is that eventually mistakes are essential to innovation. As Albert Einstein said, "A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." I don't know about you but I really like trying new things.
Your desire to innovate and create new things must outweigh your fear of making mistakes in order for you to truly create and innovate.
Creativity takes courage.
This quote isn't just about paintings, it's about all forms of creativity. Sharing a song you wrote with a friend, starting a new organisation or writing a book about something your passionate about. All these things take courage and creativity.
Stay creative and courageous.
-Madsyroo xx
Saturday, 11 April 2015
DIY Letter-Writing Kit
I was recently inspired to put together a little box for, letter writing utensils, partially because my room is still recovering from a minor stationary splurge I had at Walmart.
So.... this morning I ventured into the garage and found a little biscuit tin, wiped it out and made a little letter-writing kit. Since it's National Letter Writing Month, I thought I'd share it with you all.
Here is a little list of suggestions, for what materials might come in handy...
1. A biscuit tin/ cardboard box
2. Pens and all kinds of writing utensils
3. Washi tape
4. Glue
4. Stamps
5. Ink
6. Scissors
7. Envelopes
8. Room for outgoing mail
9. Creativiiiiiity
I wanted to add a few envelopes that were a little more interesting than, you're average business envelopes so, using Secret Pie Shop's envelope template. I made envelopes out of magazine pages.
The letter-writing box was a success, I even got my little sisters to test it out.
So.... this morning I ventured into the garage and found a little biscuit tin, wiped it out and made a little letter-writing kit. Since it's National Letter Writing Month, I thought I'd share it with you all.
I put all the mail I have yet to buy stamps for and send out at the bottom and all my other supplies (like those 5 million gel pens) on top.
Here is a little list of suggestions, for what materials might come in handy...
1. A biscuit tin/ cardboard box
2. Pens and all kinds of writing utensils
3. Washi tape
4. Glue
4. Stamps
5. Ink
6. Scissors
7. Envelopes
8. Room for outgoing mail
9. Creativiiiiiity
I wanted to add a few envelopes that were a little more interesting than, you're average business envelopes so, using Secret Pie Shop's envelope template. I made envelopes out of magazine pages.
The letter-writing box was a success, I even got my little sisters to test it out.
They're the cutest.
So they're you have it. I look forward to using my biscuit tin, gone stationary haven. A kit like this, could even be a fun gift for someone you want to write back and forth. All you need to add is stamps. Hope you enjoy!
-Madsyroo xx
Tuesday, 7 April 2015
Snail Mail
Who doesn't love an envelope bearing paw-some cat puns?
My DIY postcard
Dear.... YOU,
Let's write letters more and maybe send a postcard or two?
Sincerely yours,
Madeline :)
It's spring break, and with more free time, I've spent a little bit of time writing letters. I even made a postcard! (I was inspired by this lovely article by Prada for Breakfast) It's easy to forget in a world full of emails, texts and snaps, the power of a handwritten message.
Don't get me wrong, I am so thankful for the wonderful world of technology, that's at my disposal when it comes to long distance communication but I love the feeling of opening a mail box, to a letter with my name on it, in familiar handwriting.
Snail mail says, I've been thinking of you. Snail mail says, you're worth the effort of writing this thing, driving it to a post office and buying a stamp. Snail mail says, I care.
So, as you can see I'm all for occasionally spreading love via snail mail. I hope you are too. :)
long distance
Friday, 13 February 2015
Happy Valentine's
Just in case you wanted a sampling of the 5 most fabulous Valentine's day cards of all time...
Happy Valentine's day 'eerybody! (Well happy almost-Valentine's day) I think I'm going to spend this year watching netflix and reading all the #WhyImSingle hashtags, courtesy of Jimmy Fallon. As well as sending some pretty awful jokes, cause that's what Valentines is for, right? Any way, eat lots of chocolate and have a fab Valentine's Day everybody! Enjoy :)
Wednesday, 31 December 2014
Let's be having you, 2015!

Reflective Facebook posts are dominating our feeds, snap chats of celebratory pics await us on our smart phones and we bask in the final hours of the year. 2014.
It had its ups and downs, for the world in general and for the majority of us individually but now it is coming to a halt. That's it. Throw away that old one direction calender because pretty soon the year will be done and dusted, or it already is if you find yourself living in Europe.
As I think over the year behind me and the one awaiting me, I feel excited about the prospect of new beginnings. 2015 is unwritten and waiting for each of us.
I have a couple vagueish (that's a word now) resolutions cause I'm still old fashioned like that. I know it's a lot cooler to be like "I'm over resolutions, researchers show they don't work and I prefer making dedicated lifestyle changes" but I'm not cool like that. My resolutions are as follows...
1. Grow your hair out and then chop it off
2. Have loads of fun and chill out a little
3. Work hard
5. Be kind even when its difficult
6. Read a tad
7. Learn to draw somewhat decently
That's it really. I don't have any massive ambitions yet for this coming year but I am definitely ready for it. 2015, lets be having you!
-Madsyroo xx
Saturday, 13 December 2014
The most wonderful time of the year...
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As a lover of peppermint ice-cream, gift giving and hot cocoa I am very much looking forward to Christmas.
So much so, that I got a shirt adorned with Will Ferrell's face in honor of my favorite Christmas movie.
Walmart, guys. Walmart.
This is my first Christmas back in America and I'm pretty excited. American Christmases come with optional Christmas oreos and Christmas Hershey kisses (they taste amazing actually).
Anyway, I hope you all have a lovely Christmas and get to watch way too many cheesy Hallmark specials, or you know, eat Christmas flavored everything.
-Madsyroo xx
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