I recently watched a really interesting ted talk (those things are the best right? Easily accessible inspiration), this one was called 'How Schools Kill Creativity' and I heard Ken Robinson talking about how in schools mistakes are stigmatized and why this can be detrimental to creativity.
Altogether it was a really interesting talk (by all means have a listen if you're interested) but it made me think about this Henri Matisse quote. As the French painter so famously said, 'Creativity takes courage'.
Until reading this quote and watching Ken Robinson, I'd never thought about it much before. You see, sometimes or all the times, following through with creative ideas means subjecting yourself to people who won't hold your work with as high a regard as yourself. It means, subjecting yourself to potential failure. It means making mistakes.
Sometimes that's scary. We don't create because we don't want to be judged. We'd rather create nothing than something worthy of ridicule.
However, the truth is that eventually mistakes are essential to innovation. As Albert Einstein said, "A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." I don't know about you but I really like trying new things.
Your desire to innovate and create new things must outweigh your fear of making mistakes in order for you to truly create and innovate.
Creativity takes courage.
This quote isn't just about paintings, it's about all forms of creativity. Sharing a song you wrote with a friend, starting a new organisation or writing a book about something your passionate about. All these things take courage and creativity.
Stay creative and courageous.
-Madsyroo xx