Sorry guys. It's been a while. I'm a lousy blogger. I have some great news, well great for me. I've only got two days of school left. TWO DAYS! The last couple days tend to be some of the best couple of days of the year. For example, today instead of doing work my class went to a river and went raft building because we got one of those goody-two shoes awards for being the best behaved form class in our year. We win them every year. How that's possible beats me. We also won the attendance cup. We're on a roll! It was really fun and most of us ended up fully submerged in water fully clothed at one point or another. My friend threw me in backwards and I screamed. Rivers in Ireland tend to be pretty cold... cause it's Ireland and by the time I got out of the water my limbs all felt numb. (Unfortunately I didn't get pictures at the river so you just get to see my little selfie because I feel weird posting about stuff with out pictures) Apparently river water drives my hair crazy. Today was beautiful. We were surrounded by trees and there was even a sheep and a goat or two across the river. After we got back to school our year head let us skip the last period of class and spend it in one of the H.E. rooms drinking tea and chatting away. I do love my tea. It's days like these that I'm going to hold on to and miss. School is flying by pretty fast. It's starting to scare me a bit.
Oh! I have another cringey photo for you. A long while ago I posted about being in my school play, 'Dracula', well I took photos of the stage make up. I've been told I make a good man.
That's my friend who played a ship wrecked sailor. I had to carry her on stage later on in the play. Here, I'm wearing my villager costume. Like the waist coat and scarf? I know, such a good look for me. You can't see very well here but I had some pretty intense stubble going on too. It was great fun just being apart of the play and hanging out in between scenes. This was my first school play. (well, besides my pre-school one but that doesn't count right?)
Yep, so that's life at the moment. All is going well and I can't wait to be through with these two last days! This summer looks as if it should shape up to be pretty amazing. I can't wait!!!
-Madsyroo xx