Thursday, 28 June 2012
Writing again
Ok, so I've always wanted to be an author. Ever since I was little I was making up stories. I remember having my mom write them down for me. When I got a little older I started writing them down myself and illustrating them. I decided from a young age that I would be a children's author and illustrator. That dream has changed over the years but I still hope I will do lots of creative writing when I'm older. Anyway, I realised that I am not currently doing a ton of creative writing except for in school which is almost over so I started writing a novel. Wether or not I'll get anywhere close to finishing it I'm not sure but at least I made a start. I used to write a lot when I was younger. I still have a notebook with a book I started writing when I was about nine or ten that is probably supposed to be a third of the way finished. It has a considerable amount of pages in it and I did stick to writing in it for a long time and poured a lot of effort into it. It's too bad I stopped. It's really funny looking back and reading over it. I loved Narnia at the time so the book is about 4 children who discover a new world in the same place a boy disappeared 100 years before. My new project is about a girl who loves to act and gets accepted into a top acting school. I think she will become conflicted later on in the book about following another path. I'm not sure yet though. It's fun just coming up with ideas and jotting them down. I'll make sure to keep you posted if the book amounts to anything.
book project
children writing
writing again
I have always been interested in typewriters although I am too young to have ever had to use one. Maybe it's because I love writing so much. I remember asking for a type writer for Christmas one year when I was probably between eight and ten. I never did get one but that is probably due to a long list of other gift requests from me. I also read a book series about a girl growing up in the 40s who made her own newspapers on a typewriter up in her room and that may have been a big trigger for the type writer gift request my parents received. Vintage type writers look so classic and creative. Anyways I thought I might share with you a few type writer etsy finds. Enjoy!

My Blog
Hey, this is my new blog. I hope you like it. On this blog I'm going to discuss my thoughts, opinions, views and any new craft projects I'm into. Enjoy!
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